30 October 2008

Hey Brandon, I'm Dancer!

Ok, Ok. I'll admit it -- I like the new Killers song...a lot. I was a hater back in the day because all I ever heard was "The Killers are the next big thing" followed by their many, many, many singles that never stopped.

But today is another day. And I love this video. And I love the fact that the chorus is:

"Are we human or are we dancer"

Me? I'm dancer! (not to be confused with prancer or whatever)

My old friends at Universal won't let me embed the video, so here's the link:


And here is what it might look like when the band plays the song live:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

just as i started reading this, the killers came on the radio, no joke. you're controlling the universe! :)