29 November 2008

Turn That Frown Upside Down!

The New York Times is a constant source of delight for me. Well, Thursday thru Sunday, that is. Those other days can be a bit lean on the delight and heavy on the sad, sorrowful and cynical.

One example of a delightful find found in the NY times is an article entitled "No Frown Is Left Unturned" (13 Nov). Seems a Brooklyn-based store called Fred Flare has a knack for selling quirky knick-knacks guaranteed to, well, make you smile. Oh how I love their site and all of the random treasures neatly organized both by price and subject. If you are bored and surfing the net, please do take a moment to acquaint yourself with the various treats offered by Mr. Flare at fredflare.com.

You may stumble upon Nancy Drew's Guide to Life:

Or perhaps an Edgar Allen Poe action figure:

Or, if you are really lucky, this incredible tennis racket cover:

Hilarious Christmas gifts, anymore?


Unknown said...

Love it! Even made a purchase...thank you for the suggestion!

ElisabethWK said...

Pointing out the hilarious and absurd is my pleasure.