Ah, the first of the year. Time to put away twinkle lights, say "oh no!" to desserts, take up early morning jogging and make declarations of balancing checkbooks and writing more lists on a regular basis.
I say boo to all of these things.
Some people relish the close of the holiday season, but I do not. I adore twinkle lights and using the excuse of December as reason enough for a nice dinner out. I also don't mind partaking in dessert AND jogging.
For me, the start of a new year is celebrated by turning the pages of my new blank (and black) Moleskine diary/calendar. The promise of a blank calendar! After carefully slipping the cellophane off my new calendar, I quickly scribble in important birthdays and anniversaries. Then I flip through the months, anticipating Saturdays spent with coffee and the NY Times, trips I may take, and the adventure a new year can hold.
I also try to begin a new book at the start of the year. I'm boring, so why not? I finished off '08 with "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (many thanks to Katherine for the recommendation of that title while pouring over the classics section at Waterstones).
I'm starting off '09 with "The Reader." It's quite a somber book -- described as morally complex, haunting and philosophically elegant -- but somehow that seems appropriate.
Its subject matter, particularly the relationship between the two main characters, is dark and not for those with a weak stomach. In fact, I have a hard time thinking of people I could recommend this book to who would not find great offense in its explicitness. But I enjoy the challenge of being stretched and questioned by characters who make decisions I would not make myself.
I am promised by the back cover of "The Reader" that the book is ultimately hopeful. Sort of how I imagine my blank Moleskin to be - ultimately hopeful.
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
Did you like "Portrait"? Are you going to see the film "The Reader"? I love getting new day planners as well. Lots of hope and white space! :)
Daily planners are awesome - I could not live without my BB calendar or outlook.
Loved Portrait but not nearly as much as I loved Dracula. I bought both of these books with you in London. Oh how I love that bookstore.
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