The City of Angels is scattered, cluttered, dirty, pristine, horrific and sublime. It's understandable when someone says they aren't fond of my current hometown, but one should never say LA isn't a lovely city. It is. You just have to know where to look. She's kind of shy that way. Unlike Paris, a city loudly proclaiming her beauty, sensuality and wonderment at every possible turn, Los Angeles is for those who prefer inside jokes.
And so I introduce you to some of my favorite parts of Los Angeles.
Urth Caffe, 6:30ish Friday Night
Peet's., 10ish Saturday Morning
Wow, they do good coffee.
Hollywood Sign by way of Laurel Canyon and Mulholland Drive, 11ish
The Alcove in Los Feliz, 1ish
Echo Park, 4:30ish
Hollywood again, 6ish
Chateau Marmont, look-like-you-know-what-you're-doing walk-thru, 7ish
Meltdown Comics, 8ish
Birds, dinner and making friends with the people at table next to us, 8:45ish
Amoeba Records, 10ish

Sleep, so we could conquer Santa Monica on a Sunday, 1ish
Will you move to Scotland? You could take pictures there too....
I will only move to Scotland if I have the promise of getting to know someone more. And if I can have the conversation about moving to Scotland while dipping pretzels for the homeless.
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