18 November 2008

The Art of Loquacity

I've developed yet another bizarre quirk, folks. I write words that interest me or hold meanings I do not know on an index card or on my hand before adding them to a list of words (and definitions!) I keep in a notebook. Some people collect spoons, others collect cars. I collect words.

Here are some words that have recently joined my collection:


OK so not all of these words will impress the fab new people you meet at your next cocktail party, but I don't care. I like them and I try to use them in regular sentences like a regular person.

"I'm not being sardonic with I say that dress is totes a major gaffe and makes her look like she had a desultory shopping excursion that caused her to buy the first ridic thing that fit."

In other news, please check out the EP called "Curse Your Little Heart" by Devotchka. It is beautifully incandescent.

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